I think I am going to start writing about my chickens and growing worms, since they play a part in my quest of being self-sufficient. I decided to step up my worm production and get away from buying feed for the fish in my aquaponic systems. Several experiments have proven very successful in raising worms and now I need to build on a larger scale.
I have been raising chickens just about all my life and they are fun. We currently use them for egg production and fertilizer. In the future I will be using them for meat and selling chicks. There seems to be a high demand for chickens these days and people are buy up free range eggs as fast as they can be put in a carton.
My plans are to get from 100 chickens to about 300 and design my system around the worm beds to bring up my worm production. The current test on raising worms with fish waste is working very well and I think by using fish waste with chicken poo will work out great. Eventually I will grow my worm beds large enough to use them for heating the greenhouse and water.
In a later post I will discuss a solar hot water heater that I have never seen done before. It should be an interesting project.
Very soon I will start posting pictures of my chickens, worm bed projects and anything else that relates to our quest to becoming self-sustaining. More aquaponics pictures coming too.
Stay tuned!